Sunday, January 18, 2009

Better way to make grilled cheese

If you're like me, sometimes the easiest things to make never come out right. I can bake cakes from scratch, make a fabulous pot roast, and whip up a mouth-watering pot of chili.

But my grilled cheese sandwiches are always missing something.

I know, you're probably thinking, "Take some cheese, put it on the bread, put it in a pan and flip. What's so hard about that?"

I don't know what's wrong with me. But it's either too light or two dark, the cheese isn't melted right, I use too much butter, etc.

But I think I have stumbled upon the best grilled cheese technique yet. Try it and see what you think:

The Lazy Woman's Grilled Cheese

2 slices whole-grain bread
2 slices cheese of your preference (you can do 3 slices if they are thin or you like it really cheesy)
1 tablespoon butter

1. Turn the heat on under the pan to medium high. Let the pan preheat for about 3 minutes.
2. Butter the first slice of bread and put it in the pan. Put the cheese slices on top. Let cook for 3 minutes.
3. Butter the second slice of bread and put it on top. Flip the sandwich over and cook for 3 minutes.

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